Sunday, October 01, 2006

Sunday October 01, 2006
Topics you can't afford to miss for Critical Care Board exams - Part 2

Last week we posted few important topics (click
here to see) for our fellows for upcoming Internal Medicine's Critical Care board exam (November 8, 2006) . Here are few more topics you can't afford to miss for Critical Care Board exams.

  1. Management of acute cirrhotic / variceal GI bleed
  2. End of life issues / ethic questions - list of power of attorneys in order
  3. Antibiotic choices in necrotising fascitis.
  4. Hepato-renal syndrome
  5. Vancomycin dosing in CVVHD
  6. Baterial menigitis CSF findings and treatment
  7. VAP - diagnosis and treatment
  8. Thrombolytics and surgical indications in PE
  9. EKG findings in Acute MI and pericarditis
  10. EKG findings in hyperkalemia
  11. Clinical scenario and acute management of venous air embolism
  12. Treatments of hypothermia (all time board's favourite)
  13. Hypokalemia in hypothermia
  14. Asystole in hypothermia - approach to treatment
  15. Indication of dialysis in lithium overdose
  16. Cholesterol emboli - diagnosis
  17. Contrast induced nephropathy - preventions
  18. Arterial line - underdamp and overdamp picture
  19. Green urine after propofol drip
  20. QT interval prolongation with haldol.