Sunday October 01, 2006
Topics you can't afford to miss for Critical Care Board exams - Part 2
Last week we posted few important topics (click here to see) for our fellows for upcoming Internal Medicine's Critical Care board exam (November 8, 2006) . Here are few more topics you can't afford to miss for Critical Care Board exams.
- Management of acute cirrhotic / variceal GI bleed
- End of life issues / ethic questions - list of power of attorneys in order
- Antibiotic choices in necrotising fascitis.
- Hepato-renal syndrome
- Vancomycin dosing in CVVHD
- Baterial menigitis CSF findings and treatment
- VAP - diagnosis and treatment
- Thrombolytics and surgical indications in PE
- EKG findings in Acute MI and pericarditis
- EKG findings in hyperkalemia
- Clinical scenario and acute management of venous air embolism
- Treatments of hypothermia (all time board's favourite)
- Hypokalemia in hypothermia
- Asystole in hypothermia - approach to treatment
- Indication of dialysis in lithium overdose
- Cholesterol emboli - diagnosis
- Contrast induced nephropathy - preventions
- Arterial line - underdamp and overdamp picture
- Green urine after propofol drip
- QT interval prolongation with haldol.